
clear vlan 91
The following command clears all dynamic forwarding database entries
that match all VLANs:
WX4400# clear fdb dynamic
success: change accepted.
The following command clears all dynamic forwarding database entries
that match ports 3 and 5:
WX4400# clear fdb port 3,5
success: change accepted.
See Also
“display fdb” on page 92
“set fdb” on page 101
clear vlan Removes physical or virtual ports from a VLAN or removes a VLAN
When you remove a VLAN, MSS completely removes the
VLAN from the configuration and also removes all configuration
information that uses the VLAN. If you want to remove only a specific
port from the VLAN, make sure you specify the port number in the
clear vlan vlan-id [port port-list [tag tag-value]]
vlan-id — VLAN name or number.
port port-listList of physical ports. MSS removes the specified
ports from the VLAN. If you do not specify a list of ports, MSS removes
the VLAN entirely.
tag tag-valueTag number that identifies a virtual port. MSS
removes only the specified virtual port from the specified physical
Default — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.