set enablepass 35
set enablepass Sets the password that provides enabled access (for configuration and
monitoring) to the WX switch.
Syntax —
set enablepass
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — After typing the set enablepass command, press Enter. If you
are entering the first enable password on this WX switch, press Enter at
the Enter old password prompt. Otherwise, type the old password.
Then type a password of up to 32 alphanumeric characters with no
spaces, and reenter it at the Retype new password prompt.
CAUTION: Be sure to use a password that you will remember. If you lose
the enable password, the only way to restore it causes the system to
return to its default settings and wipes out the configuration.
Examples — The following example illustrates the prompts that the
system displays when the enable password is changed. The passwords
you enter are not displayed.
WX1200# set enablepass
Enter old password: old-password
Enter new password: new-password
Retype new password: new-password
Password changed
See Also
■ “disable” on page 33
■ “enable” on page 34