Examples — The following command displays the current setting of the
poweron test flag:
boot> test
The diagnostic execution flag is not set.
See Also
boot on page 511
version Displays version information for a WX switch’s hardware and boot code.
Syntax — version
Defaults — None.
Access — Boot prompt.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — This command does not list the system image file versions
installed in the boot partitions. To display system image file versions, use
the dir or fver command.
Examples — To display hardware and boot code version information,
type the following command at the boot prompt:
boot> version
3Com WX-4400 Bootstrap/Bootloader
Version 3.0.2 Release
Compiled on Wed Sep 22 09:18:47 PDT 2004 by
Bootstrap 0 version: 3.1 Active
Bootloader 0 version: 3.0.2 Active
Bootstrap 1 version: 3.1
Bootloader 1 version: 3.0.1
WX-4400 Board Revision: 2.
WX-4400 Controller Revision: 5.