display igmp querier 349
See Also
■ “display igmp mrouter” on page 348
■ “set igmp mrouter” on page 356
display igmp
Shows information about the active multicast querier, on one VLAN or all
VLANs. Queriers are listed separately for each VLAN. Each VLAN can have
only one querier.
Syntax —
display igmp querier [vlan vlan-id]
■ vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. If you do not specify a
VLAN, MSS displays querier information for all VLANs.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
Table 66 Output for display igmp mrouter
Field Description
Multicast routers for vlan VLAN containing the multicast routers. Ports are
listed separately for each VLAN.
Port Number of the physical port through which the WX
can reach the router.
Mrouter-IPaddr IP address of the multicast router.
Mrouter-MAC MAC address of the multicast router.
Type How the WX learned that the port is a multicast
router port:
■ conf — Static multicast port configured by an
■ madv — Multicast advertisement
■ quer — IGMP query
■ dvmrp — Distance Vector Multicast Routing
Protocol (DVMRP)
■ pimv1 — Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
version 1
■ pimv2 — PIM version 2
TTL Number of seconds before this entry ages out if
unused. For static multicast router entries, the TTL
value is undef. Static multicast router entries do not
age out.