3Com 3CRWX440095A Webcam User Manual

clear accounting 165
clear accounting Removes accounting services for specified wireless users with
administrative access or network access.
clear accounting {admin | dot1x} {user-glob}
admin — Users with administrative access to the WX switch through a
console connection or through a Telnet or Web Manager connection.
dot1x — Users with network access through the WX switch. Users
with network access are authorized to use the network through either
an IEEE 802.1X method or their media access control (MAC) address.
user-glob — Single user or set of users with administrative access or
network access.
Specify a username, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to
specify all usernames, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*)
to specify a set of usernames up to or following the first delimiter
character—either an at sign (@) or a period (.). (For details, see “User
Globs” on page 24.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command removes accounting services for
authorized network user Nin:
WX4400# clear accounting dot1x Nin
success: change accepted.
See Also
set accounting {admin | console} on page 186
display accounting statistics on page 183