set radio-profile preamble-length 289
The following command enables the radios that use radio profile rp1:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp1 mode enable
The following commands disable the radios that use radio profile rp1,
change the beacon interval, then reenable the radios:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp1 mode disable
WX4400# set radio-profile rp1 beacon-interval 200
WX4400# set radio-profile rp1 mode enable
The following command enables the WPA IE on MAP radios in radio
profile rp2:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp2 wpa-ie enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “display {ap | dap} config” on page 234
■ “display radio-profile” on page 254
■ “set {ap | dap} radio mode” on page 271
■ “set {ap | dap} radio radio-profile” on page 272
set radio-profile
Changes the preamble length for which an 802.11b/g MAP radio
advertises support. This command does not apply to 802.11a.
Syntax —
set radio-profile name
{long | short}
■ name — Radio profile name.
■ long — Advertises support for long preambles.
■ short — Advertises support for short preambles.
Defaults — The default is short.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — Changing the preamble length value affects only the support
advertised by the radio. Regardless of the preamble length setting (short