See Also
■ “display dot1x” on page 421
■ “set dot1x reauth-max” on page 430
■ “set dot1x reauth-period” on page 430
set dot1x
Sets the number of reauthentication attempts that the WX switch makes
before the supplicant (client) becomes unauthorized.
Syntax —
set dot1x reauth-max number-of-attempts
■ number-of-attempts — Specify a value between 1 and 10.
Defaults — The default number of reauthentication attempts is 2.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — If the number of reauthentications for a wired authentication
client is greater than the maximum number of reauthentications allowed,
MSS sends an EAP failure packet to the client and removes the client from
the network. However, MSS does not remove a wireless client from the
network under these circumstances.
Examples — Type the following command to set the number of
authentication attempts to 8:
WX4400# set dot1x reauth-max 8
success: dot1x max reauth set to 8.
See Also
■ “display dot1x” on page 421
■ “clear dot1x reauth-max” on page 418
set dot1x
Sets the number of seconds that must elapse before the WX switch
attempts reauthentication.
Syntax —
set dot1x reauth-period seconds
■ seconds — Specify a value between 60 (1 minute) and 1,641,600
(19 days).