See Also
■ “clear dot1x max-req” on page 417
■ “display dot1x” on page 421
set dot1x
Determines the 802.1X authentication behavior on individual wired
authentication ports or groups of ports.
Syntax —
set dot1x port-control
{forceauth | forceunauth | auto} port-list
■ forceauth — Forces the specified wired authentication port(s) to
unconditionally authorize all 802.1X authentication attempts, with an
EAP success message.
■ forceunauth — Forces the specified wired authentication port(s) to
unconditionally reject all 802.1X authentication attempts with an EAP
failure message.
■ auto — Allows the specified wired authentication ports to process
802.1X authentication normally as determined for the user by the set
authentication dot1X command.
■ port-list — One or more wired authentication ports for which to
set 802.1X port control.
Defaults — By default, wired authentication ports are set to auto.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — This command affects only wired authentication ports.
Examples — The following command forces port 1 to unconditionally
accept all 802.1X authentication attempts:
WX4400# set dot1x port-control forceauth 1
success: authcontrol for 1 is set to FORCE-AUTH.
See Also
■ “display port status” on page 66
■ “display dot1x” on page 421