clear security acl map 367
running configuration, and redisplay the ACL configuration to display
that it no longer contains acl_133:
WX4400# display security acl info all
ACL information for all
set security acl ip acl_133 (hits #1 0)
1. deny IP source IP destination IP any
set security acl ip acl_134 (hits #3 0)
1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
set security acl ip acl_135 (hits #2 0)
1. deny IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
WX4400# clear security acl acl_133
WX4400# commit security acl acl_133
configuration accepted
WX4400# display security acl info all
ACL information for all
set security acl ip acl_134 (hits #3 0)
1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
set security acl ip acl_135 (hits #2 0)
1. deny IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
See Also
■ “clear security acl map” on page 367
■ “commit security acl” on page 369
■ “display security acl info” on page 372
■ “set security acl” on page 380
clear security acl
Deletes the mapping between a security ACL and a virtual LAN (VLAN),
one or more physical ports, or a virtual port. Or deletes all ACL maps to
VLANs, ports, and virtual ports on a WX switch.
Security ACLs are applied to users or groups dynamically via the Filter-Id
attribute. To delete a security ACL from a user or group in the local WX
database, use the command clear user attr, clear mac-user
attr, clear usergroup attr, or clear mac-usergroup attr. To delete a
security ACL from a user or group on an external RADIUS server, see the
documentation for your RADIUS server.