number. You can use numbers or letters. ASCII characters in the
following ranges are supported:
■ 0 to 9
■ A to F
■ a to f
Defaults — By default, no static WEP keys are defined.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — MSS automatically enables static WEP when you define a WEP
key. MSS continues to support dynamic WEP.
If you plan to use static WEP, do not map more than 8 service profiles that
contain static WEP keys to the same radio profile.
Examples — The following command configures WEP key index 1 for
service profile sp2 to aabbccddee:
WX4400# set service-profile sp2 wep key-index 1 key
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “set service-profile wep active-multicast- index” on page 310
■ “set service-profile wep active-unicast- index” on page 311
set service-profile
Enables the WPA information element (IE) in wireless frames. The WPA IE
advertises the WPA authentication methods and cipher suites supported
by radios in the radio profile mapped to the service profile.
Syntax —
set service-profile name wpa-ie {enable | disable}
■ name — Service profile name.
■ enable — Enables the WPA IE.
■ disable — Disables the WPA IE.
Defaults — The WPA IE is disabled by default.