See Also
■ “display spantree blockedports” on page 323
display spantree
Indicates whether the STP backbone fast convergence feature is enabled
or disabled.
Syntax —
display spantree backbonefast
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Port-State STP state of the port:
■ Blocking — The port is not forwarding Layer 2 traffic
but is listening to and forwarding STP control traffic.
■ Disabled — The port is not forwarding any traffic,
including STP control traffic. The port might be
administratively disabled or the link might be
■ Forwarding — The port is forwarding Layer 2 traffic.
■ Learning — The port is learning the locations of other
WX switches in the spanning tree before changing state
to forwarding.
■ Listening — The port is comparing its own STP
information with information in STP control packets
received by the port to compute the spanning tree and
change state to blocking or forwarding.
Cost STP cost of the port.
Prio STP priority of the port.
Portfast State of the uplink fast convergence feature:
■ Enabled
■ Disabled
Table 60 Output for display spantree (continued)
Field Description