NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 77
Analog Caller ID - Station A-127
Service Conditions (contd)
q.) When the calling party or the intermediate party is Attendant Console, or the calling party number
is not received when the call is terminated via C.O. line or tie line, the calling number cannot be
r.) When the Name Display data is assigned to the calling party in station-to-station calling, the
calling partys name is also sent to the called party. Note that only 1 byte character data can be
effective in this case. Since the name data is sent without confirming whether the proper character
is used or not, characters that are not proper may cause abnormal status to the system.
s.) When all the sender trunks are busy, the calling number cannot be notified.
12. To activate the Analog Caller ID - Station by Modem Sender service in the FCCS network, the sender
trunk for sending Modem signal (RT=937, ATRK) should be accommodated in the all nodes where the
stations providing the service is installed.
1. The following circuit cards are required for this service:
16LCBY and 8RSTY must be used together for Caller ID.
2. Only one route number can be assigned for each sender and register in a PA-8RSTY card.
3. This service is not provided for Hotel system.
4. This service is not provided for the call using OAI system.
STEP 1: ASFC - Assign the service feature class to each analog station.
TN: Tenant Number
SFI: 168=1 (Analog Caller ID Station by Modem Sender is available)
When Calling Number Delivery (Message Type - 04H) is notified
SFI: 153=1
STEP 2: ATRK - Assign the sender trunk data.
Note 1
RT: 937
Note 1: RT 937 must be programmed in level 4, 5, 6, or 7 for FSK Sender. Level 0, 1, 2, or 3 may be used for RT
902 or PB/MF Sender.
Note 2: Optional ASYD-SYS1, Index 246, b6. When a calling number exceeds 10 digits: 0/1= The last/first exceeded
digits are deleted.
FCCS Programming
No unique programming is required for the FCCS network.