NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 656 NDA-24297, Issue 1
S-7 Station Hunting - Circular
Interactions (contd)
d.) A call forwarding-override call from Station B to Station A will hunt if Station A is busy.
5. STATION MESSAGE DETAIL RECORDING [S-10]: The number recorded is the telephone number
where the call actually terminates.
[C-12] features are superseded by STATION HUNTING-CIRCULAR.
7. A station in a Station Hunting-Circular Group must have a Route Restriction Class that will allow
incoming route connections. If the connection is not allowed, a busy tone is returned.
8. When using a Phantom Telephone Number for a Circular Hunt station, consider the following:
Whether to use the Phantom Telephone Number (PHTELN) to start the station hunt or not can be
selected by the APHNL command. When using the PHTELN, assign 1in the PHparameter. If not,
assign 0.
When the Phantom Telephone Number is assigned to be used (when PH = 1): Station hunt starts by
dialing either the Circular Hunt station number (telephone number) or its Phantom Telephone Number.
Both numbers can be the pilot number.
When the Phantom Telephone Number is assigned not to be used (when PH = 0): Station hunt starts
by dialing the Circular Hunt station number (telephone number) only. The feature is not provided when
the Phantom Telephone Number is dialed.
9. This feature is not available for a call in recall state by CALL BACK [C-1] or CALL HOLD [C-6].
STEP 1: ASHC - Assign the required data for the STATION HUNTING-CIRCULAR Group.
TN: Tenant Number
STN: Station Number
SECRET: Indication of Secretary Station 0/1-/Assignment
SECRET STN: Station Number of the Secretary/Station
*STN: Station numbers of the stations included in the group.
Call to Station A, rings
Station B
Busy Station
Idle Station
Ringing Station
Station A, Call Forward-B/DA to
Station B, Is busy or idle
Station B
Station A
Station C