NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 362 NDA-24297, Issue 1
F-7 Forced Account Code
Programming (cont’d)
Note: Digits 39 determined by the Check Sum method will be unique to the FORCED ACCOUNT CODE 26428.
In other words, 26428 will not be followed by any digits other than 39.
System Data 1, Index 43, bit 2. Is service set tone sent after FORCED ACCOUNT CODE ASPA
feature access code? 0/1: No/Yes.
System Data 1, Index 93, bit 6. Are the AMND tables Separate or Common for tenants in the system?
0/1: Separate/Common. Assign data “0” for separate tables.
System Data 2, Index 3, bit 5. Type of code: 0/1 AUTHORIZATION CODE/FORCED ACCOUNT
CODE; assign data “1”.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve a number level for feature access. Assign Connection Index, CI = N, H, B; Normal,
Hooking, and Busy (applicable to any feature assigned to this level). Assign NND in accordance with
a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 3: ASPA - For SRV = SSC (Service Code) SID = 42, assign the access code. Assign for Connection
Indexes of Normal (N) and Hooking (H).
STEP 4: ASFC - For stations operating via FORCED ACCOUNT CODES, assign these stations a Service
Feature Class (SFC) that allows SFI 27. This SFC will be assigned to the station in the ASDT
command. Presently, the SFC parameter in the AATC command is inoperative.
STEP 5: ARSC - For this feature to operate properly, assign a Route Restriction Class (RSC) that Toll Restricts
(see TOLL RESTRICTION-3/6 DIGIT [T-10]) or denies access to routes on a Direct Dial Access, RRI
3. This RSC is assigned in the ASDT command. Then construct an RSC appropriate for the desired
operation of the station after dialing the FORCED ACCOUNT CODE. This RSC is assigned to the
STEP 6: AMND - For Tenant 0, assign the first digit of all FORCED ACCOUNT CODES as the Destination
Code (DC) and the Maximum Necessary Digits (MND) of the FORCED ACCOUNT CODE.
STEP 7: AATC - Assign the TN, Digit Code (DC) (the actual code itself), the FORCED ACCOUNT CODE
Restriction (ACR) as data “1”. Then assign the Route Restriction Class (RSC) that is appropriate for
the desired level of operation.
STEP 8: LATC - Listing of all the FORCED ACCOUNT CODES. This is the simplest way to determine what
digits have been added to the system with the Check Sum method. This is not required if the Check
Sum method is not used.