NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 622 NDA-24297, Issue 1
R-6 Route Advance
Interactions (contd)
2. TOLL RESTRICTION - 3/6 DIGIT [T-6] may be used in conjunction with ROUTE ADVANCE. Only
routes of the same type may be used in ROUTE ADVANCE. Two differently labeled C.O. trunks, such
as, DDD and WATS may be in the same group.
3. There is no digit translation available for this feature. The dialed digits must be usable by whatever route
is available.
4. This feature is available for a station activating CONSULTATION HOLD [C-17]. However, in the
following cases, ROUTE ADVANCE is not activated, and the user receives reorder tone:
a.) when either the first-choice trunk group or alternate trunk group is restricted by TOLL DENIAL
b.) when both the first-choice trunk group and alternate trunk group are busy or restricted by TOLL
5. ROUTE ADVANCE is not activated on PAGING TRANSFER [P-10] or RADIO PAGING [R-16] routes.
Therefore, the caller receives reorder tone when the first trunk group is busy or restricted by TOLL
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 65, Assign the number of routes that will be used in the system.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve a number level for trunk access. Assign for Normal (N) and Hooking (H) service.
The Number of Necessary Digits should be 1 or 2, depending on numbering plan. BLF should be Off.
STEP 3: ASPA - Assign the Service SRV = OGCA (Outgoing Call Advance), Outgoing Call Route Advance.
Assign the access code to the lead route number to be seized. In the desired order, program the routes
to be selected when the first choice route is busy. Count = the total number of routes in the route
advance group, including the first-choice route.
STEP 4: ARSC - Prepare a Route Restriction Class (RSC) that will allow access to all of the desired routes in
the Route Advance group for RRI 2 and RRI 3. Assign the RSC to the stations that are allowed to
access the Route Advance group.
FCCS Programming
This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS
services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for
example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending
on the node.
Note 1
STEP 1: ASYDL - SYS 1, Index 800. Assign the tenant table development.
STEP 2: ANPDL - Reserve a number level for trunk access.
STEP 3: ASPAL - Assign SRV=OGCA and the access code to the lead logical route number to be seized.
STEP 4: ARSCN - Assign the RSC to the stations that are allowed to access the Route Advance group.
Note 1: When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required
in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
Note 2: For more detailed information, see the NEAX2400 IPX Fusion Network System Manual.