NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 533
MF Signaling - DID M-84
Service Conditions (contd)
4. Connection patterns to which MF signaling system can be applied are as follows:
a.) Individual call origination by station
b.) Attendant-to-Attendant connection
c.) Individual call origination by Attendant
d.) Call origination by Attendant via station/trunk
e.) MF line connection from CONSULTATION HOLD [C-17]
f.) Call transfer to MF line via Call Forwarding.
5. Connection to the following services is not available:
a.) Call origination services to MF lines, such as, OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING
b.) Call termination services from MF lines, such as, UCD [U-1]
c.) Call Waiting, REMOTE ACCESS TO SYSTEM [R-2].
6. Assignment of MF signaling system or DP, PB signaling system can be determined on a per route basis.
7. A PA-8RSTK (8RST) circuit card is required for performing this service.
STEP 1: ASYD - System 1, Index 234, Bit 0.
(0) No reverse-type connection acknowledgment
STEP 2: ANPD - Assign the first digit of the MF line access code.
STEP 3: ASPA - Assign the LCR or LCR (S) access code by providing a dummy route.
STEP 4: AMND - Assign the maximum number of necessary digits to the Dial (Area/Office) Code.
STEP 5: ARNP - Assign the access code to the route number. When multiple access codes are present by
alternative routing, set one of them.
STEP 6: ARTD - MF line- Assign the following data, depending on the trunk type, as shown below:
Dummy route-Assign 1 at all times for CDN 13:AC. The route data of the dummy route is TCL = 1,
For the others, assign 0 in all cases.
Assign the following route class data to the route of the MF line.
TCMN = 0, TCMC = 0, MFSP: MF Sending Speed.
KPST: Duration of KP sending,
KPPT: Pause after KP sending,
CNI: CNI Calling Number Identification format (=1)
Assign CDN 22:CNI = 1.
STEP 7: ATRK - MF line-Assign the LENS data of each trunk.
MF Register/Sender-Assign the following data to the LENS of the PA-8RSTK circuit card.
RT = 904: MF Register
RT = 905: Sender
OGT 7 4 0 0 5 1
ICT 0 0 7 4 5 1
BWT 7 4 7 4 5 1