NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 227
Call Forwarding - All Calls - Announcement C-69
Service Conditions (contd)
10. This service feature is available with the following connections:
Station calls from a TIE Line Trunk
11. When a designation of CALL FORWARDING - ALL CALLS - ANNOUNCEMENT has already been
assigned, even if the feature is restricted by the new office data or changing of Day/Night mode, the
assigned data can still be used or cancelled.
Call Forwarding-All Calls
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 4, Bit 6. One burst of ringing at forwarding station when CALL
FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] is in service? 0/1: No/Yes. (For a single line station only).
System Data 1, Index 69, Bit 1. A burst of ringback tone to alert the person receiving a call that this is
a CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] call. In service? 0/1: No/Yes. Normally assigned as data
System Data 2, Index 6, Bit 4. enable station set for CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] be
allowed to use their phones normally. If data 0 is assigned, the station will only be able to call the
Attendant Console. Assign on a per-tenant basis.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve a number level for service feature access and cancel. Assign for Normal (N),
Hooking (H), and Busy (B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 3: ASPA - Assign an access code to CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] entry SID = 8, and to
CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] cancel SID = 9. Assign Connection Status Index (CI) for
Normal (N) service.
STEP 4: ASFC - Assign the stations to activate CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] a Service Feature
Class that allows SFI = 7.
sets, CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [C-5] may be assigned to a
programmable line/feature key. Assign Type:Function:CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [2].
STEP 6: ADSL - Assign SN=1 (Originating; DT Connection) and FKY=2 (Call Forwarding - All Calls; FDA).
This command is used for assigning the function for each soft key.
STEP 7: ATNR - Allow tenant-to-tenant connection for Inter and Intra-Tenant connections. Assign Tenant
Restriction Index (TRI) = 1. For this service feature to be set by the Attendant console, assign Inter and
Intra-Tenant connection via the Attendant Console TRI = 3. Also allow TRI = 0, station-to-station
Announcement Service
STEP 1: ANPD - Reserve a number level for Trunk, Access. Assign for Connection Indexes for Normal (N)
and Hooking (H). Assign NND values in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 2: ASPA - Assign an access code to the announcement trunk. Assign SRV = ANNC (Announcement
Service) and the EQP number assignment should be as assigned with the AAED command.
STEP 3: ARTD - Assign the announcement route as shown below. Be sure to provide Privacy by programming
CDN 44:PRV as data 1.
1-OSGS :2 2-ONSG :3 5-TF :1 6-TCL :1 7-L/T :1
8-RLP :2 15-LSG :4