NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 202 NDA-24297, Issue 1
C-27D Call Waiting - Answer - D
Programming (cont’d)
System Data 2, Index 10, bit 7. Should the warning tone set in System Data 1, Index 152 be
periodically sent? 0/1: No/Yes. Assign on a per tenant basis.
STEP 2: ASFC - Assign a Service Feature Class that allows SFI’s 5, 6, and 11. This allows the ability to
originate a CALL WAITING - ORIGINATE (SFI 5), to terminate a CALL WAITING -
ORIGINATING [C-31] (SFI 6), and to receive Camp-On Tone (SFI 11).
Commands related to CALL WAITING - ORIGINATING [C-31]:
STEP 3: ANPD - Reserve a number level for feature access. Assign for Normal (N), Hooking (H), and Busy
(B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 4: ASPA - Assign an access code to CALL WAITING - ORIGINATING [C-31], SRV = SSC (Service
Code), SID = 5 for Connection Status Index (CI) of Busy (B). Assign the NND value as equal to the
digits in the feature access code.
FCCS Programming
This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS
services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for
example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending
on the node.
Note 1
STEP 1: ANPDL - Reserve a number level for feature access. Assign for Normal (N), Hooking (H), and Busy
(B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 2: ASPAL - Assign an access code to CALL WAITING - ORIGINATING [C-31], SRV = SSC (Service
Code), SID = 5 for Connection Status Index (CI) of Busy (B). Assign the NND value as equal to the
digits in the feature access code.
Note 1: When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required
in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.
Note 2: System timers may be set on a network basis in ASYDN.