NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 401
Intercom Calling I-9
Programming (cont’d)
27: Eight Conference Equipment
RSC: Route Restriction Class (0-15)
For assignment of RSC, ARSC command.
SFC: Service Feature Class (0-15)
For assignment of SFC, ASFC command.
STEP 5: AISA - Program the tenant, station, type of station, and the number of SPEED CALLING blocks to be
assigned to the Primary station. One MY Line station of each GROUP CALLING group is assigned as
the Primary. The Primary then assigns all the stations MY Line numbers, which will have abbreviated
TN: Tenant Number
STN: Station Number
MST/SLV: Primary/Secondary
M: Primary Station
S: Secondary Station
BLOCK: Number of Blocks
STN: When assigning Secondary Station, assign the Primary Station number.
STEP 6: AKYD - Assign the virtual circuit to D
key. Assign FYI = 2, Multi-line key, and assign the station
number of the virtual circuit. This key will be the GROUP CALLING key.
STEP 7: AISD -ThiscommandcanalsobeusedtoassignIndividualSpeedCallingData.