NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 519
Multiple Call Forwarding - All Calls M-44
Interactions (cont’d)
4. When a station in a STATION HUNTING [S-7, 8, 9] group initiates MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-
ALL CALLS, calls normally destined for this station will not be received. The hunt group operates as if
the station were busy.
5. A noncontrolling UCD station is allowed to activate CALL FORWARDING [C-5]. With this station call
forwarded, only calls dialed directly to this station are call forwarded. The member station is removed
from the UCD group under the conditions of this call forwarding feature.
6. If an Attendant attempts BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3] to Station A, which has MULTIPLE CALL
FORWARDING-ALL CALLS set to Station B, BUSY VERIFICATION proceeds as if the Attendant had
attempted to verify Station B. If Station A has set MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS to
the Attendant Console [A-3], BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3] is allowed at Station A, if Station A is busy.
7. When MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS is in effect, the activating station may be used
to originate calls. See System Data 2, Index 6, Bit 4.
8. When a station is call forwarded, the destination station is recorded for STATION MESSAGE DETAIL
9. MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS can be overridden, allowing Station B to initiate or
transfer calls back to Station A.
10. STATION-TO-STATION CALLING [S-11] must be provided first.
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 4, Bit 6. One burst of ringing at forwarding station when MULTIPLE
CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS is in service? 0/1: No/Yes.
System Data 1, Index 69, Bit 1. A burst of ringback tone to alert the person receiving a call that this is
a MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS call. In service? 0/1: No/Yes. Normally assigned
as data “0”.
System Data 1, Index 69, bit 7. MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING - BUSY LINE [M-24], - ALL
CALLS [M-44], in service? 0/1: No/Yes.
System Data 2, Index 6, Bit 4. Enable stations set for MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL
CALLS be allowed to use their phones normally. If data “0” is assigned, the station will only be able to
call the Attendant Console. Assign on a per-tenant basis.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve a number level for feature access and cancel. Assign for Normal (N), Hooking (H),
and Busy (B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 3: ASPA - Assign an access code to MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS entry, SID = 8
and to MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS cancel SID = 9. Assign a Connection Status
Index (CI) for Normal service (N).
STEP 4: ASFC - Assign the stations to activate MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS a Service
Feature Class that allows SFI = 7.
sets, MULTIPLE CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS may be assigned to a
programmable line/feature key. AssignType:Function:CALL FORWARDING-ALL CALLS [2].
STEP 6: ADSL - SN=1 (Originating; DT Connection) and FKY=2 (Call Forwarding - All Calls; FDA).
This command is required only for assigning the function to each soft key.
STEP 7: ATNR - Allow tenant-to-tenant connection for Inter and Intra-tenant connections. Assign Tenant
Restriction Index (TRI) = 1. For this service feature to be set by the Attendant Console, assign Inter
and Intra-Tenant connection via the Attendant Console TRI = 3. Also allow TRI = 0, station-to-station