NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 868 NDA-24297, Issue 1
C-57 Centralized System Management Report - CCIS
C-57 Centralized System Management Report - CCIS
General Description
This service feature provides automatic reporting of fault information of Satellite Nodes to the Centralized
Management Center with an external indication of the detected fault.
This feature may be provided through multiple FCCS groups (networks where multiple NEAX2400 IPXs are
connected via FCCS link) and the NEAX2000 IVS
, using CCIS link.
Note: NEAX2400 IPX - NEAX2000 IVS
connection is available only if the NEAX2000 IVS
is the satellite office
(requires NEAX2000 IVS
Series 2000 or later software).
Operating Procedure
1. On the ACT side CPU of Node B, set the MBR switch up (ON); system messages are sent out to Node A,
and the CPU is changed over.
2. Return the MBR switch down (OFF); system messages are sent out to Node A.
3. The system messages of Node B are printed out from the printer in Node A.
Note: If System Data (Index 188) is assigned in such a way that MJ/MN alarm at a local office is to be displayed
on the Display Panel at the Center Office, an MJ/MN alarm that is generated in Node B is indicated as an
MJ/MN alarm on the Display Panel in Node A and the corresponding system message is given out.
Service Conditions
1. When the fault information cannot be sent from the Satellite Node to the Main Node, fault information
buffer capacity is 64 messages.
2. An alarm lamp indication of a fault that occurs at a Remote Node is made only at the local office. At the
Center Office, fault indication is made to the MAT and to the external equipment. However, no frametop
alarm indication is given.
3. At the Main Node, the system message will be printed automatically, when the command is executed.
4. When the Center Node provides the printer for Fault Data Automatic Printout Function (SYS1, Index 86,
bit 4) and the printer directly connected to the MAT together, the former printer has priority over the latter.
At that time, the printer connected to the MAT is used to print the collected fault data when the printer for
Fault Data Automatic Printout Function cannot print for any reason.
Centralized Management Center
[Node A] [Node B]
Centralized Management Center
[Node A]
[Node B]