NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 711
Speed Calling Override - System S-61
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 2, Index 1, Bit 6. Is SPEED CALLING OVERRIDE-SYSTEM to be enabled? 0/
1: No/Yes. System Data 2, Index 1, Bit 7. Toll Restriction for SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM [S-3].
Assign data “0”.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve a number level for feature access. Assign for Normal (N), Hooking (H), and Busy
(B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan.
STEP 3: ASPA - Assigning an access code to SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM [S-3], assign SRV = SSC (Service
Code), SID = 15. Program for Normal (N). NND = Access code plus Abbreviated Digit Code (ADC).
Example: 6 + 010
1 digit + 3digits = NND = 4
STEP 4: ASFC - Assign a Service Feature Class that allows SFI 12 to stations that will have SPEED
STEP 5: ASPD - Assign the Tenant Number, the ADC, and the CD-Telephone Number to be sent. Include the
access code of the route in the CD.
STEP 6: AABD - Assign the Tenant (TN); and the Abbreviated Speed Calling Code, ADC; as assigned in the
ASPD command. Assign the Service Feature Class (SFC) and Restriction Data (RES).
RES 0: Connection is restricted.
RES 1: Connection is allowed.
STEP 7: AKYD - Assign SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM [S-3] to a programmable Line/Feature key. Assign
Type:Function:SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM [15].
STEP 8: ADSL - Assign S_SPD key; Assign SN=1 (Originating; DT Connection) and FKY=15 (Speed Calling
This command is used for assigning a function to each soft key.
FCCS Programming
No unique programming is required for the FCCS network.