NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 750 NDA-24297, Issue 1
T-7 Toll Restriction - 3/6-Digit
Programming (contd)
System Data 2, Index 1, Bit 3. Does TOLL RESTRICTION apply to SPEED CALLING-STATION
[S-21]? 0/1: Yes/No.
System Data 2, Index 1, Bits 4 & 5. If TOLL DENIAL (busy tone) is required, assign these Bits as data
00. If TOLL DIVERSION (to Attendant) is required, assign these Bits as 01.
System Data 2, Index 1, Bit 7. Does TOLL RESTRICTION apply to SPEED CALLING-SYSTEM [S-
3]? 0/1: Yes/No.
STEP 3: ARSC - Assign Route Restriction Classes. When these are assigned to stations, classes will determine
whether or not a station will be allowed access to a specific route or specific dialing sequence. Assign
the following:
DAY/NIGHT:Day/Night Mode
D: Day Mode
N: Night Mode
TN: Tenant Number
RT: Route Number
RSC: Route Restriction Class
RRI: Route Restriction Index
0: IC Restriction via Attendant Console (DDD, etc.)
1: IC Restriction Direct Connection (DID, etc.)
2: OG Restriction via Attendant Console
3: OG Restriction Direct Connection (DDD, etc.)
RES: Restriction Data
0: Connection is Restricted
1: Connection is Allowed
2: Connection is Toll Restricted
STEP 4: AMND - This command indicates the total number of digits to expect, based on the first digits dialed.
A 9 +alocalcallwillequal8digits;9 + 1+ an Area Code call will equal 12 digits. Assign the
dialed digits information and the corresponding Maximum Necessary Digits (MND) data. Flag this
data as a Toll Call: data 1or a local call: data 0.
STEP 5: AARP - This command is used to designate digits translated for 3 digit and 6 digit restriction. In
ATDP, a digit code is listed. The system will examine these digits and if the Restriction Code TDI is
assigned as data 2 Toll Restriction, the program will do two operations. The first operation will
examine the NND value. If NND is 6, then the AARP information will apply to the sixth digit
dialed. For example, assume 9-1-301-555-1212 is dialed. AARP will look at the sixth digit dialed for
translation. Translation will begin with 555.
Assign the following:
OGRT: Outgoing Route Number
RSC: Route Restriction Class
FLAG: 1: 3 Digits
2: 6 Digits
DC: 555
RES: Restriction Data
0: Restricted
1: Allowed
Note: Only 3 digits or 6 digits may be entered for the DC parameter of this command.