NEC 2400 PX Webcam User Manual

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NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 191
Centralized Attendant Service (CAS) C-20
Programming (contd)
STEP 4: ACSI - Assign the Incoming CAS Route and Trunk to the Night Station and Tenant number. Assign
the CSI = 4 for Night Connection.
STEP 1: ANPD - Reserve a number level for feature access.
STEP 2: ASPA - Assign an access code to TRUNK ANSWER ANY STATION, SRV = SSC (Service Code);
SID = 16. Assign for a Connection Status Index (CI) of Normal (N).
STEP 3: ACFR - Assignment of Call Forwarding Restriction. Allow Call Class Index (CCI) 14, CAS Trunk
Main, a Transfer Service Feature Index (TSFI) of 5, TAS.
STEP 4: ATAS - Assign the TAS circuit to the system. Refer to TRUNK ANSWER FROM ANY STATION
[T-8] for details.
Note: A second call will go to TRUNK ANSWER FROM ANY STATION if the first call is being answered by the
Night station.
Satellite System
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 149. Assign 00H for Recall Timer to Attendant Console at the main
system location. This value is 30 seconds.
System Data 2, Index 11, Bit 7. Will DIT park in a busy station Queue? 0/1: Yes/No, it will be rerouted
to the Attendant Console. Assign data 0for Queuing.
System Data 2, Index 13; Bit 1. Assign data 1for satellite system.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve a number level for feature access. Assign for Normal (N), Hooking (H), and Busy
(B). Assign NND in accordance with a predetermined numbering plan. Reserve a number level for
station numbers. If the satellite system does NOT have an Attendant Console, 0 can be used as a
station number. If not, consider a numbering plan for the Release Link Trunks that will be assigned to
the stations assigned a TEC = 15.
STEP 3: ARSC - Construct a Route Restriction Class that allows a direct connection to all incoming trunks that
will be served by the Attendant Console at the main system location. Assign via Route Restriction
Index, RRI 1, Direct Connection on Incoming Trunks.
STEP 4: ASFC - Construct a Service Feature Class that allows Station Message Detail Service SFI = 14. Do
not provide CALL FORWARDING [C-2, 3, 5].
STEP 5: ASDT - Assign ports of the 8TLT card, Issue 7* that receive the Release Link Trunks as TEC 15. The
RSC assignment should allow a direct connection with all required incoming trunks. Allow these
trunks via Route Restriction Index (RRI) = 0 & 1. The SFC assigned is separately constructed and can
assigning station numbers, keep in mind that one of these stations will be the lead station in a UCD
group and that station number will be used by the satellite stations to access the Attendant Console at
the main system location. To keep the user from becoming confused when a different number appears
on the LCD display than the one dialed, make the station numbers appear as sequential circuit numbers
such as 100, 101, 102, etc.
Note: If a 16COT card is used at the main location for the RLTs, 16LC cards are used at the satellite location.
STEP 6: ASHU - Assign the Release Link Trunk stations to a UCD group. See UNIFORM CALL
DISTRIBUTION [U-1]. One station number will be designated as the lead station. This number will
simulate Dial Access to Attendant. Also, incoming trunk calls will be distributed among the available
Release Link Trunks evenly. ASHC command may also be used, STATION HUNTING-CIRCULAR