NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
Page 668 NDA-24297, Issue 1
S-9 Station Hunting - Terminal
STEP 1: ASHP - Assign the required data to the Assignment Pilot Hunting command:
TN: Tenant Number
STN: Station Number
SECRET: Secretary Station Number (if necessary)
*STN: Station numbers of the stations included in the Pilot group.
Note: * Indicates the order of a station in the group.
STEP 2: APHN - Assign Phantom Number (PHSTN) to the pilot station:
TN: Tenant Number
REAL STN: Station Number of the pilot station
PH: Phantom Number mode
0 = Used individually
1 = Used as the pilot number (for station hunting)
CNT (PHSTN): Phantom Station Number
For Pilot Stations within a Hunt Group to deny hunting function for incoming call from a station
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 439, Bit 7.
0/1=Incoming call from station is hunted/not hunted.
STEP 2: ASFC - Allow the service feature restriction class (SFI 181) for pilot station which denies hunting
function for a incoming call from station.
FCCS Programming
This data setting describes only the additional or replacement commands used to activate FCCS
services. When used as an FCCS feature, these commands replace the non-network commands (for
example, AAED is replaced by AAEDN). Note that the data setting for FCCS service varies depending
on the node. Note 1
STEP 1: ASYDN - This data must be assigned to the NCN.
System Data 1, Index 69, b5:
Hunting Group when transferred party is busy (Station Hunting after Call Forwarding - Busy Line):
0 = Hunt in Transferring Party’s Group
1 = Hunt in Transferred Party’s Group
STEP 2: ASHPN - This data must be assigned to the NCN.
Assign the Hunt Group using Telephone Number.
UGN: User Group Number
TELN: Telephone Number in Hunting Group
SECRETARY TELN:Telephone Number of Secretary Station (if necessary)
STEP 3: APHNN - Assign Phantom Telephone Number (PHTELN) to the pilot station.
UGN: User Group Number
TELN: Telephone Number of the pilot station
PH: Phantom Number Mode
0 = Used individually
1 = Used as the pilot number (for station hunting)
PHTELN: Phantom Telephone Number
Note 2
Note 1:
When using ASYDL or ASYDN to program an FCCS feature, the basic programming of ASYD is required
in addition to ASYDL or ASYDN.