Using Stored Procedure
138 DataWindow .NET
• To build the result set description automatically, clear the Manual
Result Set check box and click Next.
DataWindow Designer executes the stored procedure and builds the
result set description for you.
• To define the result set description manually, select the Manual Result
Set check box and click Next.
In the Define Stored Procedure Result Set dialog box:
• Enter the name and type of the first column in the result set.
• To add additional columns, click Add.
Your preference is saved
DataWindow Designer records your preference for building result set
descriptions for stored procedure DataWindow objects in the variable
Stored_Procedure_Build in the DataWindow Designer initialization file. If
this variable is set to 1, DataWindow Designer will automatically build the
result set; if the variable is set to 0, you are prompted to define the result
set description.
4 Continue in the DataWindow object wizard as needed for the presentation
style you are using.
When you have finished interacting with the wizard, you go to the
DataWindow painter with the columns specified in the result set placed in
the DataWindow object.
For information about defining retrieval arguments for DataWindow
objects, see Chapter 5, “Enhancing DataWindow Objects.”
Editing a result set
After you create a result set that uses a stored procedure, you can edit the result
set description from the DataWindow painter.
❖ To edit the result set description:
1 Select Design>Data Source from the menu bar.
This displays the Column Specification view if it is not already displayed.
2 Select Stored Procedure from the Column Specification view’s pop-up
The Modify Stored Procedure dialog box displays.
3 Edit the Execute statement, select another stored procedure, or add