CHAPTER 12 Working with Crosstabs
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 337
Creating crosstabs
❖ To create a crosstab:
1 Select File>New from the menu bar.
The New dialog box displays.
2 Select the DataWindow tab.
3 Select the Crosstab presentation style, then click OK.
You are prompted to specify the data.
4 Specify the data you want retrieved into the DataWindow object.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Defining DataWindow Objects.”
You are prompted to specify the data for the columns, rows, and cell values
in the crosstab.
5 Enter the definitions for the columns, rows, and cell values in the crosstab.
See “Associating data with a crosstab” on page 338.
6 Click Next.
7 Click Color and Border settings and click Next.
8 Review your specifications and click Finish.
DataWindow Designer creates the crosstab.
9 (Optional) Specify other properties of the crosstab.
See “Enhancing crosstabs” on page 344.
10 Save the DataWindow object in a library.