CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 7
❖ To create a new project:
1 Click the New button in the PowerBar, or select File>New from the menu
2 On the Project page in the New dialog box, select the project icon and click
3 Browse to the location where you want to store the project and type a name
for the project.
4 Do the same for the library, or simply click Finish to create the library in
the same folder as the project and with the same name.
❖ To add existing libraries to a project:
1 Right-click the project icon in the System Tree and select Properties.
2 Click the Browse button to navigate to the folder where the libraries
3 Select one or more libraries, click Open, then click OK in the Library List
dialog box.
❖ To create a new library:
1 Right-click the project icon in the System Tree and select New Library.
2 Browse to the location where you want to create the library, type a name
for the library, and click OK.
❖ To open a different project:
• Right-click the project icon in the System Tree and select Open Project, or
select File>Open Project from the File menu.
Working with DataWindow objects
In DataWindow Designer, you can:
• Create new DataWindow objects
• Open existing DataWindow objects
• Run or preview DataWindow objects
After you create or open a DataWindow object, it displays in the DataWindow
painter and you work on it there.