Sybase 2 Barcode Reader User Manual

Supplying property values
304 DataWindow .NET
A number that specifies whether the text should be italic.
In the painter
Italic on the Font page in the Properties view.
Values are:
0—Not italic
The following statements are specified for the Font.Italic, Font.Underline, and
Font.Weight properties, respectively. If the employee has health insurance, the
employee's information displays in italics. If not, the employee's information
displays in bold and underlined:
If(bene_health_ins = 'Y', 1, 0)
If(bene_health_ins = 'N', 1, 0)
If(bene_health_ins = 'N', 700, 400)
Statements are specified in this way for four controls: the emp_id column, the
emp_fname column, the emp_lname column, and the emp_salary column. In
the resulting DataWindow object, those with health insurance display in italics.
Those without health insurance are emphasized with bold and underlining: