Using the Preview view of a DataWindow object
158 DataWindow .NET
❖ To zoom the display in the DataWindow painter:
1 Select the view you want to zoom (click in the view).
You can zoom the Design view, Preview view, Data View, and Column
Specifications view.
2 Select Design>Zoom from the menu bar.
3 Select a built-in zoom percentage, or set a custom zoom percentage by
typing an integer in the Custom box.
Undoing changes in the DataWindow painter
You can undo your change by pressing Ctrl+Z or selecting Edit>Undo from the
menu bar. Undo requests affect all views.
Using the Preview view of a DataWindow object
You use the Preview view of a DataWindow object to view it as it will appear
with data and test the processing that takes place in it.
❖ To display the Preview view of a DataWindow object open in the
DataWindow painter:
1 If the Preview view is not already displayed, select View>Preview from
the menu bar.
In the Preview view, the bars that indicate the bands do not display, and, if
you selected Retrieve on Preview in the DataWindow wizard,
DataWindow Designer retrieves all the rows from the database. You are
prompted to supply arguments if you defined retrieval arguments.
In external DataWindow objects
If the DataWindow object uses the External data source, no data is
retrieved. You can import data, as described in “Importing data into a
DataWindow object” on page 163.
In DataWindow objects that have stored data
If the DataWindow object has stored data in it, no data is retrieved from
the database.