Working with indexes
80 DataWindow .NET
Creating an index
In Adaptive Server Anywhere databases
In Adaptive Server Anywhere databases, you should not define an index on a
column that is defined as a foreign key, because foreign keys are already
optimized for quick reference.
❖ To create an index:
1 Do one of the following:
• Highlight the table for which you want to create an index and click the
Create Index drop-down toolbar button in PainterBar1.
• Select Object>Insert>Index from the main menu or New>Index from
the pop-up menu.
• Expand the table’s tree view, right-click on Indexes, and select New
Index from the pop-up menu.
The Index’s properties display in the Object Details view.
2 Enter a name for the index in the Index box.
3 Select whether or not to allow duplicate values for the index.
4 Specify any other information required for your database
For example, in Adaptive Server Enterprise, specify whether the index is
clustered, and in Adaptive Server Anywhere, specify the order of the
5 Click the names of the columns that make up the index.
6 Select Save Changes from the pop-up menu.
7 Right-click on the Object Details view and select Save Changes from the
pop-up menu.
Any changes you made in the view are immediately saved to the table
Modifying an index
You can modify an index.
❖ To modify an index:
1 Do one of the following:
• Highlight the index listed in the table’s expanded tree view and click
the Properties button.
• Select Properties from the Object or pop-up menu.
• Drag the index icon and drop it in the Object Details view.