DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 477
running 9
selecting 39
Objects view 56
online books 29
online Help, using 29
Open dialog box 9
Data Manipulation view 86
database views 82
Library painter 36
Query painter 40, 145
Select painter 121
operators, in Quick Select criteria 116
optimizing libraries 44
Options dialog box, in Library painter 39
OR operator, in Quick Select 117
ORDER BY clause
in SELECT statements 133
specifying in Quick Select 115
outer join, specifying 84
oval drawing controls 203
overlap, of columns in graphs 445
overlays, in graphs 437
page, graphing data on 429
about 21
adding custom buttons to 25
controlling display of 22
summary of 10
using views 10
painting SQL statements 92
adding 14
docking 13
floating 13
in views 10
moving 11
removing 14
resizing 11
title bar, displaying and using 11
displaying as asterisks 242
fields 242
SQL statements in Database painter 93
PBCatCol system table 73, 455
PBCatEdt system table 73, 456
PBCatFmt system table 73, 456
PBCatTbl system table 73, 454
PBCatVld system table 73, 456
PBD files
creating 48
including resources 48
PBLAB105.INI 104
PBR files, creating 48
PDF, saving data as 168
pen.color property
about 308
specifying colors 314
pen.style property 308
pen.width property 310
percent display format 231
performance, and fragmented libraries 44
periodic data, in DataWindow objects 105
perspective, in 3D graphs 441
phone lists, creating 176
adding to DataWindow objects 204
specifying column as 68
pie graphs
about 422
making three-dimensional 424
pixels, as DataWindow object unit of measure 172
pixels, as report unit of measure 172
placeholders, in validation rules 259
point of view, in 3D graphs 441
pointer property 310
in DataWindow objects 174
in graphs 448
points, specifying size for tables 65
pop-up menus
controlling toolbars with 22
in Library painter 38
using 15
position, changing graph’s 427