CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 21
• Select Properties from the pop-up menu of an object, control, library
name, or table or column name
• Select Object>Properties or Entry>Properties from the menu bar
(depending on the painter you are working in)
• Click the Properties button in the PainterBar
Using toolbars
Toolbars provide buttons for the most common tasks in DataWindow Designer.
You can move and dock or float toolbars, customize them, and create your own.
Toolbar basics
DataWindow Designer uses three toolbars: the PowerBar, PainterBar, and
StyleBar. You can hide a toolbar by right-clicking in the toolbar area and
clearing the check mark text to its name. If a toolbar is not hidden, it displays
as shown in Table 1-4.
Table 1-4: DataWindow Designer toolbars
Drop-down toolbars
To reduce the size of toolbars, some toolbar buttons have a down arrow on the
right that you can click to display a drop-down toolbar containing related
Toolbar Purpose Availability
PowerBar Opening painters and tools Always.
PainterBar Performing tasks in the current
When a painter is open. Some
painters have more than one
StyleBar Changing the properties of text,
such as font and alignment
In appropriate painters.