LAN Configuration
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
5. Click Apply to save your settings. The new static route is added to the List of IPv6 Static
Routes table.
To edit an IPv6 static route:
1. On the S
tatic Routing screen for IPv6 (see Figure 69 on page 128), click the Edit button
in the Action column for the route that you want to modify. The Edit IPv6 Static Routing
en displays. This screen is identical to the Add IPv6 Static Routing screen.
2. Mo
dify the settings as explained in the previous table.
3. Click App
ly to save your settings.
To delete one or more routes:
1. On
the Static Routing screen for IPv6 (see Figure 69 on page 128), select the check box
to the left of each route that you want to delete, or click the Select All t
able button to
select all routes.
2. Click the Del
ete table button.
IPv6 Gateway The gateway IPv6 address through which the destination host or network can be
Metric The priority of the route. Select a value between 2 and 15. If multiple routes to the
same destination exist, the route with the lowest metric is used.
Table 30. Add IPv6 Static Routing screen settings (continued)
Setting Description