IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
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2. In the Load Balancing Settings section of the screen, configure the following settings:
a. Select
the Primary WAN Mode radio button.
b. F
rom the corresponding drop-down list on the right, select a WAN interface to
function as the primary WAN interface. The other WAN interfaces become disabled.
c. Select
the Auto Rollover check box.
d. F
rom the corresponding drop-down list on the right, select a WAN interface to
function as the backup WAN interface.
Note: Ensure that the backup WAN interface is configured before enabling
auto-rollover mode.
3. Click Apply to save your settings.
Configure the Failure Detection Method
To configure the failure detection method:
1. Select Network Co
nfiguration > WAN Settings > WAN Setup. In the upper right of the
screen, the IPv4 radio button is selected by default. The WAN Setup screen displays the
IPv4 settings (see Figure 11 on p
age 30).
2. Click the Edi
t table button in the Action column of the WAN interface that you selected as
the primary WAN interface. The WAN IPv4 ISP Settings screen displays (see Figure 12 on
page 31, which shows the WAN2 IPv4 ISP Settings screen as an example).
3. Click the Ad
vanced option arrow in the upper right of the screen. The WAN Advanced
Options screen displays for the WAN interface that you selected. (For an image of the entire
screen, see Figure 43 on p
age 69).
4. Locate t
he Failure Detection Method section on the screen. Enter the settings as explained
in the following table.