Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Figure 89.
3. Enter the settings as explained in Table 33 on page 137. In addition to selections from the
Service, Action, and Log drop-down lists, you need to make selections from the following
• LA
N Users
• DMZ Users
Unless your selection from the Action drop-down list is BLOCK always, you also need to
ake a selection from the following drop-down list:
• Select
4. Click App
ly to save your changes. The new rule is now added to the Inbound Services
Examples of Firewall Rules
• Examples of Inbound Firewall Rules
• Examples of Outbound Firewall Rules
Examples of Inbound Firewall Rules
IPv4 LAN WAN Inbound Rule: Host a Local Public Web Server
If you host a public web server on your local network, you can define a rule to allow inbound
web (HTTP) requests from any outside IP address to the IP address of your web server at
any time of the day.