IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Congestion Priority From the drop-down list, select the priority queue that determines the allocation
of excess bandwidth and the classification level of the packets among other
priority queues on the VPN firewall:
• Default. Traffic is mapped based on the ToS field in the packet’s IP header.
• High. Th
is queue includes the following DSCP values: AF41, AF42, AF43,
AF44, and CS4.
• Medium-high. T
his queue includes the following DSCP values: AF31, AF32,
AF33, AF34, and CS3.
• Medium. T
his queue includes the following DSCP values: AF21, AF22, AF23,
AF24, and CS2.
• Lo
w. This queue includes the following DSCP values: AF11, AF12, AF13,
AF14, CS1, 0, and all other values.
Hosts From the drop-down list, select the IP a
ddress, range of IP addresses, or group
to which the profile is applied:
• Sin
gle IP Address. The profile is applied to a single IP address. Enter the
address in the Start IP field.
• IP
Address Range. The profile is applied to an IP address range. Enter the
start address of the range in the Start IP field and the end address of the
range in the End IP field, and specify how the bandwidth is allocated by
making a selection from the Bandwidth Allocation drop-down list.
• Grou
p. The profile is applied to a group. Select the group from the Select
Group drop-down list, and specify how the bandwidth is allocated by making
a selection from the Bandwidth Allocation drop-down list.
Start IP The IP address for a single IP address or the start IP
ss for an IP address range.
End IP The end IP address for an IP address range.
Select Group From the drop-down list, select the LAN group to which
the profile is applied. For information about LAN groups,
see Manage IPv4 Groups and Hosts (IPv4 LAN Groups)
on page 91.
Bandwidth Allocation From the drop-down list, specify how the bandwidth is
• Shared. T
he bandwidth is shared among all IP
addresses in a range or all members of a group.
• I
ndividual. The bandwidth is allocated to each IP
address in the range or each member of a group.
Outbound Minimum
Enter the outbound minimum bandwidth in Kbps that is allocated to the host.
Outbound Maximum
Enter the outbound maximum bandwidth in Kbps that is allocated to the host.
Inbound Minimum
Enter the inbound minimum bandwidth in Kbps that is allocated to the host.
Table 13. Add QoS screen settings for a rate control profile (continued)
Setting Description