Virtual Private Networking Using IPSec and L2TP Connections
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
To enable the PPTP server and configure the PPTP server pool, authentication, and
1. Select VPN > PPTP Server. The PPTP Server screen displays. (The following figure
contains an example.)
Figure 175.
2. Enter the settings as explained in the following table:
3. Click Apply to save
your settings.
View the Active PPTP Users
To view the active PPTP tunnel users:
Select Monitoring > Activ
e Users & VPNs > PPTP Active Users. The PPTP Active Users
screen displays. (The following figure does not show any active users.)
Figure 176.
Table 65. PPTP Server screen settings
Setting Description
Enable To enable the PPTP server, select the Enable check box.
Start IP Address Type the first IP address of the address pool.
End IP Address Type the last IP address of the address po
ol. A maximum of 26 contiguous
addresses can be part of the pool. (The first address of the pool cannot be
assigned to a user.)
User time out Enter the time-out period in seconds, from 0 to 999 secon
ds. If there is no traffic
from a user, the connection is disconnected after the specified period.