NETGEAR SRX5308-100NAS Switch User Manual

Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
There is no drop-down list that lets you set the default outbound policy as there is on the LAN
WAN Rules screen. You can change the default outbound policy by allowing all outbound
traffic and then blocking specific services from passing through the VPN firewall. You do so
by adding outbound service rules (see Create LAN DMZ Outbound Service Rules on
page 155).
To access the LAN DMZ Rules screen for IPv4 or to change existing IPv4 rules:
Select Se
curity > Firewall > LAN DMZ Rules. In the upper right of the screen, the IPv4 radio
button is selected by default. The LAN DMZ Rules screen displays the IPv4 settings. (The
following figure contains examples.)
Figure 84.
To change an existing outbound or inbound service rule, in the Action column to the right of
the rule, click one of the following table buttons:
Up. Mo
ves the rule up one position in the table rank.
Moves the rule down one position in the table rank.
Edit. Allows you to make any cha
nges to the definition of an existing rule. Depending on
your selection, one of the following screens displays:
- Edit LAN DMZ Ou
tbound Service screen for IPv4 (identical to Figure 86 on page 156)
- Edit L
AN DMZ Inbound Service screen for IPv4 (identical to Figure 88 on page 158)
To access the LAN DMZ Rules screen for IPv6 or to change existing IPv6 rules:
1. Select Security >
Firewall > LAN DMZ Rules. The Firewall submenu tabs display with
the LAN DMZ Rules screen for IPv4 in view.
2. In
the upper right of the screen, select the IPv6 radio button. The LAN DMZ Rules screen
displays the IPv6 settings. (The following figure contains examples.)