Virtual Private Networking Using IPSec and L2TP Connections
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Tip: To ensure that tunnels stay active, after completing the wizard, manually
edit the VPN policy to enable keep-alives, which periodically sends ping
packets to the host on the peer side of the network to keep the tunnel
alive. For more information, see Configure Keep-Alives o
n page 260.
Tip: For DHCP W
AN configurations, first set up the tunnel with IP addresses.
After you have validated the connection, you can use the wizard to
create new policies using the FQDN for the WAN addresses.
4. Click App
ly to save your settings. The IPSec VPN policy is now added to the List of VPN
Policies table on the VPN Policies screen for IPv6. By default, the VPN policy is enabled.
Figure 129.
5. Configure a VPN policy on the remote gateway that allows connection to the VPN firewall.
End Point Information
What is the Remote WAN’s IP
Address or Internet Name?
Enter the IPv6 address or Internet name (FQDN) of the WAN interface on
the remote VPN tunnel endpoint.
What is the Local WAN’s IP
dress or Internet Name?
When you select the Gateway radio button in the About VPN Wizard
section of the screen, the IPv6 address of the VPN firewall’s active WAN
interface is automatically entered.
Secure Connection Remote Accessibility
What is the remote LAN IP
Enter the LAN IPv6 address of the remote gateway.
Note: The remote LAN IPv6 address needs to be different from the local
IPv6 address. For example, if the local LAN IPv6 address is fec0::1,
then the remote LAN IPv6 address could be fec0:1::1 but could not be
fec0::1. If this information is incorrect, the tunnel fails to connect.
IPv6 Prefix Length Enter the prefix length for the remote gateway.
a. Both local and remote endpoints should be defined as either FQDNs or IP addresses. A combination of
an IP address and an FQDN is not supported.
Table 44. IPSec VPN Wizard settings for an IPv6 gateway-to-gateway tunnel (continued)
Setting Description