Network and System Management
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Manage the Configuration File
The configuration settings of the VPN firewall are stored in a configuration file on the VPN
firewall. This file can be saved (backed up) to a computer, retrieved (restored) from the
computer, cleared to factory default settings, or upgraded to a new version.
Once the VPN firewall is installed and works correctly
, make a backup of the configuration file
to a computer. If necessary, you can later restore the VPN firewall settings from this file.
The Backup & Restore Settings screen lets you:
• Back u
p and save a copy of the current settings (see Back Up Settings on page 340)
• Restore saved se
ttings from the backed-up file (see Restore Settings on page 340)
• Revert to
the factory default settings (see Revert to Factory Default Settings on
page 341)
• Upg
rade the firmware (see Upgrade the Firmware on page 342)
• Reb
oot the VPN firewall with a different firmware version (see Select the Firmware and
Reboot the VPN Firewall on p
age 343).
To display the Settings Backup and Firmwa
re Upgrade screen, select Administration >
Settings Backup & Upgrade.
Figure 221.