IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
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To edit an ISATAP tunnel:
1. On the ISATAP Tunnels screen, click the Edit button in the Action column for the tunnel
that you want to modify. The Edit ISATAP Tunnel screen displays. This screen is
identical to the Add ISATAP Tunnel screen.
2. Modif
y the settings as explained in the previous table.
3. Click Apply to save
your settings.
To delete one or more tunnels:
1. On
the ISATAP Tunnels screen, select the check box to the left of each tunnel that you
want to delete, or click the Select All table button to select all tunnels.
2. Click the Delete t
able button.
View the Tunnel Status and IPv6 Addresses
The IPv6 Tunnel Status screen displays the status of all active 6to4 and ISATAP tunnels and
their IPv6 addresses.
To view the status of the tunnels and IPv6 addresses:
Select Monitoring > Router Status > Tunnel Status. The Tunnel Status screen displays:
Figure 39.
The IPv6 Tunnel Status table shows the following fields:
• T
unnel Name. The tunnel name for the 6to4 tunnel is always sit0-WAN1 (SIT stands for
simple Internet transition); the tunnel name for an ISATAP tunnel is isatapx-LAN, in which
x is an integer.
• IPv6 Address. The IPv6 add
ress of the local tunnel endpoint.
Configure Stateless IP/ICMP Translation
Stateless IP/ICMP Translation (SIIT) is a transition mechanism algorithm that translates
between IPv4 and IPv6 packet headers. Using SIIT, an IPv6 device that does not have a
permanently assigned IPv4 addresses can communicate with an IPv4-only device.