Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
The IPv6 Tunnel Status table shows the following fields:
• T
unnel Name. The tunnel name for the 6to4 tunnel is always sit0-WAN1 (SIT stands for
simple Internet transition); the tunnel name for an ISATAP tunnel is isatapx-LAN, in which
x is an integer.
• IPv6 Address. The IPv6 add
ress of the local tunnel endpoint.
View the VPN Connection Status, L2TP Users, and PPTP Users
The Connection Status screens display a list of IPSec VPN connections, SSL VPN
connections, and L2TP users who are currently logged in to the VPN firewall.
To view the active IPSec VPN connections:
Select VPN > Connectio
n Status. The Connection Status submenu tabs display with the
IPSec VPN Connection Status screen in view:
Figure 237.
The policy name, the endpoint’s IP address, the amount of data and number of packets
transmitted, and the state of the connection are listed in the table.
To activate a tunnel, click the Connec
t table button to the right of the policy’s table entry; to
disconnect an active connection, click the Disconnect table button to the right of the policy’s
table entry.
The default poll interval is 10 seco
nds. To change the poll interval period, enter a new value
in the Poll Interval field, and then click the Set Interval button. To stop polling, click the Stop
To view the active SSL VPN connections:
Select VPN > Connectio
n Status > SSL VPN Connection Status. The SSL VPN
Connection Status screen displays: