Manage Users, Authentication, and VPN Certificates
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
3. Click the Generate table button. A new SCR is created and added to the Self Certificate
Requests table.
4. In
the Self Certificate Requests table, click the View table button in the Action column to
view the new SCR. The Certificate Request Data screen displays:
Figure 211.
5. Copy the contents of the Data to supply to CA text field into a text file, including all of the
data contained from “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----” to “-----END CERTIFICATE
Signature Algorithm Although this seems to be a drop-down list, the only possible selection is RSA. In
other words, RSA is the default to generate a CSR.
Signature Key Length From the drop-down list, select one of the following signature key lengths in bits:
• 512
• 1024
• 2048
Note: Larger key sizes might improve security, but might also decrease
Optional Fields IP Address Enter your fixed (static) IP address. If your IP address is
mic, leave this field blank.
Domain Name Enter your Internet domain name, or leave this field blank.
E-mail Address Enter the email address of a technical contact in your
Table 81. Generate self-signed certificate request settings (continued)
Setting Description