IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
5. Click Apply to save your changes.
Depending on the changes that you made, when you click Apply,
the VPN firewall might restart, or services such as HTTP and
SMTP might restart.
Failure Detection Method
Failure Detection Method Select a failure detection method from the drop-down list:
• W
AN DNS. DNS queries are sent to the DNS server that is configured in the
Domain Name Server (DNS) Servers section of the WAN ISP screen (see
Manually Configure an IPv4 Internet Connection on
page 33).
• Custom DNS. DNS queries are sent to a DNS server that you need to specify
in the DNS Server fields.
• Ping.
Pings are sent to a server with a public IP address that you need to
specify in the IP Address fields. The server should not reject the ping request
and should not consider ping traffic to be abusive.
Note: DNS queries or pings are sent through th
e WAN interface that is being
monitored. The retry interval and number of failover attempts determine how
quickly the VPN firewall switches from the primary link to the backup link if the
primary link fails, or when the primary link comes back up, switches back from
the backup link to the primary link.
DNS Server The IP address of the DNS server.
IP Address The IP address of the ping server.
Retry Interval is The retry interval in seconds. The DNS query or ping is sent periodically after
every test period. The default test period is 30 seconds.
Failover after The number of failover attempts. The primary WAN interface is considered down
after the specified number of queries have failed to elicit a reply. The backup
interface is brought up after this situation has occurred. The failover default is
4 failures.
Upload/Download Settings
These settings rate-limit the traffic that is being forwarded by the VPN firewall.
WAN Connection Type From the drop-down list, select the type of connection that the VPN firewall uses
to connect to the Internet: DSL, ADLS, T1, T3, or Other.
WAN Connection Speed
From the drop-down list, select the maximum upload speed that is provided by
your ISP. You can select from 56 Kbps to 1 Gbps, or you can select Custom and
enter the speed in Kbps in the field below the drop-down list.
WAN Connection Speed
From the drop-down list, select the maximum download speed that is provided
by your ISP. You can select from 56 Kbps to 1 Gbps, or you can select Custom
and enter the speed in Kbps in the field below the drop-down list.
Table 12. WAN Advanced Options screen settings (continued)
Setting Description