Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Manage the Application Level Gateway for SIP Sessions
The application level gateway (ALG) facilitates multimedia sessions such as voice over IP
(VoIP) sessions that use the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) across the firewall and provides
support for multiple SIP clients. SIP support for the ALG, which is an IPv4 feature, is disabled
by default.
To enable ALG for SIP:
1. Select Se
curity > Firewall > Advanced. The Advanced screen displays:
Figure 100.
2. Select the Enable SIP ALG check box.
3. Click App
ly to save your settings.
Services, Bandwidth Profiles, and QoS Profiles
• Add Customized Services
• Create IP Groups
• Create Bandwidth Profiles
• Create Quality of Service Profiles for IPv4 Firewall Rules
• Quality of Service Priorities for IPv6 Firewall Rules
When you create inbound and outbound firewall rules, you use firewall objects such as
s, QoS profiles, bandwidth profiles, and schedules to narrow down the firewall rules:
• Servi
ces. A service narrows down the firewall rule to an application and a port number.
For information about adding services and IP groups, see Add Customized Services on
page 172 and Create IP Groups on p
age 174.
• Ban
dwidth profiles. A bandwidth profile allocates and limits traffic bandwidth for the LAN
users to which an IPv4 firewall rule is applied. For information about creating bandwidth
profiles, see Create Bandwidth Profiles on p
age 176.
• QoS profiles
and priorities. A Quality of Service (QoS) profile defines the relative
priority of an IP packet for traffic that matches the firewall rule. For information about
creating QoS profiles for IPv4 firewall rules, see Create Quality of Service Profiles for
IPv4 Firewall Rules on
page 179. For information about predefined QoS priorities that are
available for IPv6 firewall rules, see Quality of Service Priorities for IPv6 Firewall
Rules on
page 181.