Network and System Management
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Figure 213.
2. In the Action column of the List of Users table, click the Edit table button for the user with
the name admin. The Edit Users screen displays:
Figure 214.
You cannot modify the administrator user name, user type, or group assignment.
3. Select th
e Check to Edit Password check box. The password fields become available.
4. Ente
r the old password, enter the new password, and then confirm the new password.
Note: The ideal password should contain no dictionary words from any
language, and should be a mixture of letters (both uppercase and
lowercase), numbers, and symbols. Your password can be up to
32 characters.
5. As an option,
you can change the idle time-out for an administrator login session. Enter a
new number of minutes in the Idle Timeout field. (The default setting is 5 minutes.)