System Management: IPMI Messaging
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
All IPMI messages contain a Network Function Code field, which defines the category for a
particular command. Each category has two codes assigned to it–one for requests and one
for responses. The code for a request has the least significant bit of the field set to zero,
while the code for a response has the least significant bit of the field set to one.
Tab le 9 -1
lists the network function codes (as defined in the IPMI specification) used by the IPMC.
Table 9-1: Network Function Codes
Hex Code
Value(s): Name: Type: Description:
00, 01 Chassis chassis device
00 = command/request, 01 = response:
common chassis control and status functions
02, 03 Bridge bridge requests/
02 = request, 03 = response:
message contains data for bridging to the next
bus. Typically, the data is another message,
which also may be a bridging message. This
function is only present on bridge nodes.
04, 05 Sensor/
sensor and event
04 = command/request, 05 = response:
for configuration and transmission of Event
Messages and system Sensors. This function
may be present on any node.
06, 07 App application
06 = command/request, 07 = response:
message is implementation-specific for a
particular device, as defined by the IPMI
08, 09 Firmware firmware transfer
08 = command/request, 09 = response:
firmware transfer messages match the format
of application messages, as determined by the
particular device
0A, 0B Storage non-volatile
storage requests/
0A = command/request, 0B = response:
may be present on any node that provides
nonvolatile storage and retrieval services
0C-2F Reserved – reserved: 36 network functions (18 pairs)
30-3F OEM – vendor specific: 16 network functions (8 pairs).
The vendor defines functional semantics for
cmd and data fields. The cmd field must hold
the same value in requests and responses for a
given operation to support IPMI message
handling and transport mechanisms. The
controller’s Manufacturer ID value identifies
the vendor or group.