Appendix A: Serial Command Line Interface (CLI)
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
Also, at group level use the slash (/) key to refer to a context relative to the top level (e.g.,
from the system group, enter a /console/configuration command or change context into
the console group by entering /console).
Command Usage Instructions
• Commands are not case-sensitive.
• Use the horizontal arrow-keys . and . to move the cursor within the command you are
• Use the backspace key (provided you are using a terminal that sends the BS (8) character
when the backspace key is pressed) to delete chars from the command you are
• Use the vertical arrow-keys . and . to scroll through a command history buffer of the
latest 20 commands issued.
• If using a terminal that supports <home> and <end> keys (e.g., HyperTerminal), use
these keys to move the cursor to respectively the start of the command line and the end
of the command line.
Tab le A - 1 shows general parameter types used in command syntaxes and descriptions.
Note: The following command types use port IDs versus the port number (i.e., the physical number of the port).
Port numbers (“port #”=”port ID”-1) are used when discussing Ethernet switch ports. For example, VLAN port
ID 1 is the same as Ethernet switch port 0.
Table A-1: General Command Types
Type: Desc ription:
<port> Port identifier: Any number in the range 1-26.
<portlist> Comma and/or dash separated port list. This type can be used for specifying
individual ports or a range of ports. The keyword ‘none’ can be used to specify
an empty port list. The keyword ‘all’ can be used to specify all ports.
Example: 1,3,8-12
<macaddress> MAC Address; format: “hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh”, “hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh” or
“hhhhhhhhhhhh”. The hh is a hexadecimal number in the range 0x00 to 0xFF.
Example: 00-00-24-F1-02-03
<vid> VLAN ID: Decimal number in the range 1-4095. The keyword ‘all’ can be used to
specify all VLAN IDs. See note.