Table 153 Set frame format for an E1-F interface
By default, the frame format of E1-F interface is no-CRC4.
7 Enable or Disable Local Loopback/Remote Loopback
An interface should be place in local loopback or remote loopback for some
special functionality tests.
Perform the following configuration in E1-F interface view.
Table 154 Enable/Disable local/remote loopback on an E1-F interface
By default, no E1-F interface is placed in local or remote loopback.
On an interface, using this command but with different arguments can
respectively enable local loopback and remote loopback, but these two functions
cannot be enabled at the same time.
Display and Debug E1-F
Perform the display command in all views to display the state of E1-F interface
and other related information.
Table 155 Display and debug E1-F interface
Operation Command
Set frame format for an E1-F interface fe1 frame-format { crc4 |
no-crc4 }
Restore the default frame format of the E1-F
undo fe1 frame-format
Operation Command
Enable local/remote loopback on an interface fe1 loopback { local | remote }
Disable local/remote loopback on an interface undo fe1 loopback [ local |
remote ]
Operation Command
Display configuration and state of E1-F interface display fe1 [ serial
serial-number ]
Display the operating state of E1-F interface display serial serial-number